Sunday, March 11, 2007

Daylight savings Fix

If you use Windows Update, the Daylight Savings Time update probably was already delivered to you with the last batch dated February 13. It is KB931836. You can also get it from the link provided by nganvu
There is a separate update for Outlook called tzmove.exe

You should really try to fix the timezone rather than just changing the time. If you just change the time, then anything which is actually handled in UTC (like timestamps on emails) will appear to be an hour off. Not a critical issue in Win9x, but it's worth getting right.

With later versions of Windows it becomes more important to get right in some environments -- machines on a domain are only allowed to be 5 minutes off from the domain controllers or they don't get access to anything.

The main options for a change like this in order of preference are:

  • Fix the timezone info (good).
  • Leave it as is and deal with your clock being an hour off (okay -- at least you know everything that's affected).
  • Leave the timezone as is and change the clock (bad -- this will tend to bite you in strange ways).

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